Saturday, 4 May 2013

What is up with Google

What is up with Google.

If you are reading this, I can assume that you know Google. Well why is that so. What is so special with it. There is something to it..

Everyone likes Google for their own reasons and I do have mine. One of the notable things is that if you sign into one, you are signed into many. I am not sure whether I have used a Open-id for logging into these many sites. I am synchronizing my Chrome Canary in PC using Google account so that I can have my browser customization on all my devices. I can even continue to start where I left on the other device. For example, I was writing a blog in Chrome canary in my windows PC in my office. I left in the middle and continued in Chrome beta in my laptop which runs Fedora Beefy-miracle in my home or I can pick it up at my bedroom with my smart phone. Life is so simplified. No wonder, Chrome is one of my favorite Google offerings.

Once I sign into Google for applying my search preferences and tracking my search history, I am automatically signed into many other things. I can just go to YouTube to upload my new video or to watch my favourite channels. When Google announced acquistion of YouTube in November 2006, many wondered what can Google benefit from this acquistion. Eventhough YouTube was famous then, many couldn't see what monetory benefits YouTube could offer. Now there are plenty folks who make handsome money using YouTube. Google shares a good part of revenue with the publishers.

Do you want to write a blog, just visit and you are already signed in. Blogger is another amazing service launched by Pyra Labs and it is a gift to bloggers. You may point your blogspot website to your custom url. The blogs looks so cool with new live designs. There is no forced ads placed on your sites and If you want you may place ads and earn revenue from them. Adsense could help you a lot to make some money from your blog and it is again from Google.

Do you want to create a website and are you looking for some real free hosting service. Google Sites is the one stop solution for you. You can use upto 100 MB and you can also point a custom url to your site. You can add the photos from Picasa Web Albums with few clicks.

If you are looking for some serious photo sharing, try panaromia.

Products and Services offered by Google are numerous. Below is a list of them ( from Wikipedia : ). It may not be all inclusive.

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